Our Vision
A sustainable and prosperous future for rural and regional Tasmania.
Our Mission
To develop and deliver services and projects within the rural and small business sector to foster viable resilient and sustainable development for Tasmanians.
Our Story
Established in 1986, Rural Business Tasmania Inc is a not-for-profit association that primarily offers financial counselling and business support expertise to rural and regional communities.
Rural Business Tasmania’s key objective is to help rural families, businesses, and the community manage the ever-evolving demands and challenges facing the primary industry sector.
Rural Business Tasmania has assisted many hundreds of Tasmanian’s to find pathways to sustainable futures. It has extensive networks that connect quickly and deeply into rural and regional communities. Our services help clients to gain a better understanding of their financial position and identify financial and business risk and opportunities.
We assist clients to negotiate with lenders and creditors where necessary and refer to specialist service providers including accountants, family mediation and health and well being counsellors.

Rural Business Tasmania’s key objective is to help rural families, businesses, and the community manage the ever-evolving demands and challenges facing the primary industry sector.
Rural Business Tasmania is committed to undertaking good governance practices that encompasses appropriate compliance to regulation, Board, Management and business activities.